How does being a Surrogate Impact my Kids?

Dear Mindful Surrogate:

 We are so excited to embark on this journey with you as our surrogate. We understand that to qualify to be a surrogate you must have had children of your own. Have you given any thought to how this surrogacy would impact your children?


Hopeful parents


 Dear Hopeful Parents,

 This is such a great question! Yes, I have had many conversations with my children about this process. I have explained to them that mommy is helping someone grow their family. I am a repeat surrogate and my children were 4 and 9 years old when I started my first journey. Even at those ages they were able to understand on a very basic level that it was not their brother or sister that I was pregnant with. I actually think the 9-year-old was relieved to know that it was NOT another pesky little sibling for him. Throughout that 1st journey, and after, we just normalized it in our household. So, when I embarked on my 2nd journey there wasn’t even a need for a big conversation. Overall, the surrogacy process has given me more confidence as a woman and a mother and I know that will have a positive effect on my children. They also get to see me do something amazing for someone else!


 The Mindful Surrogate

Are you ready to become a surrogate?