Dear Mindful Surrogate: Can I Travel While I'm a Surrogate?

Dear Mindful Surrogate,

What should I know about traveling while I am pregnant as a gestational carrier? I have heard horror stories about expensive trips having to be canceled or IP’s not allowing their surrogate to go on family vacations. What is the real scoop?


Globe Trotter

Dear Globe Trotter,

Being a Surrogate comes will all kinds of compromises and one of them is travel. If you already have travel arrangements made before your match you will want to share those plans with your agency. If it is likely that you will be pregnant during your travel plans you may have to postpone the embryo transfer until a later date, postpone your travel plans or wait to sign contracts. If you are planning to visit an area that the CDC has cautioned pregnant women or those planning on becoming pregnant not to visit due to the Zika virus you make have to wait an additional 6 months after you return to have an embryo transfer.

Another issue to consider is that most contracts will say that you can not travel outside your state after 28 weeks (each contract is different but it is usually between 28-32 weeks with no medical issues). The concerns are that you may go into premature labor in a non-surrogacy friendly state, you may have complications/bed rest that would make it difficult or impossible to travel back home to give birth or that some other travel related issue happens that make any return travel stressful.

The bottom line is, don’t plan any travel at all the last trimester of your pregnancy. If an event should come up like a death in the family or some other emergency you must ask your Intended Parents to give you written permission for you to travel out side of the contract time limit. You don’t want to be in breach of your contract for any reason. After the birth you can plan all the wonderful vacations and family visits you want without the stress of a pregnancy.

Best wishes,


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