Can I work with a Surrogate I already know? Intended ParentsGuest UserDecember 29, 2020Surrogacy, surrogate, birth, pregnancy, family, grow, gift, agency, hospital, home, midwife, OBGYN, doctor, labor, delivery
How do I know I won't be micro-managed by the Intended Parent? Ask an expert!Guest UserDecember 24, 2020Surrogacy, intended parents, micromanaged, expert, question, journey, surrogate, baby, pregnancy, birth, doctor, labor, delivery
5 Tips on Explaining Surrogacy to Others Dear Mindful SurrogateGuest UserDecember 22, 2020surrogacy, embryos, eggs, sperm, transfer, embryo transfer, surrogate, intended parents, twins, singleton, pregnancy, baby, birth, labor, gestational carrier
Who chooses the attorney to review the contract? Ask an expert!Guest UserDecember 22, 2020Surrogacy, contract, breach, lawyer, attorney, law, court, judge, surrogate, intended parents, sign, process, journey, birth, baby, family, grow, pregnancy
Notorious Sperm Bank Case Settles. Can We Buy Holiday-Sale DNA Kits For Our Donor-Conceived Loved Ones Now? Above the lawGuest UserDecember 18, 2020Surrogacy, surrogate, sperm, sperm bank, bank, settle, case, court, DNA, ancestry, desist, lawyer, attorney, judge
What happens if my surrogate is in breach of contract? Ask an expert!Guest UserDecember 17, 2020Surrogacy, contract, breach, lawyer, attorney, law, court, judge, surrogate, intended parents, sign, process, journey, birth, baby, family, grow, pregnancy
Covid & Surrogacy Industry NewsGuest UserDecember 15, 2020surrogacy, embryos, eggs, sperm, transfer, embryo transfer, surrogate, intended parents, twins, singleton, pregnancy, baby, birth, labor, gestational carrier
Why do my partner and I need a psychological evaluation to be a surrogate? Ask an expert!Guest UserDecember 15, 2020Surrogacy, birth, baby, surrogate, agency, graphic design, staff, employee, team, Colorado, Texas, Montana, New England, pacific cascade, southwest
Death (Of Donor Anonymity) Becomes Her Above the lawGuest UserDecember 9, 2020Surrogacy, sperm donor, donor, sperm, egg, death, anonymous, jurisdiction, abroad, international, baby, birth, family, grow, pregnancy
Do I need to travel if I'm a surrogate? Ask an expert!Guest UserDecember 8, 2020Surrogacy, social security number, identity, birth, baby, background check, criminal, safe, surrogate, agency
What Questions Should I Ask a Surrogacy Agency that I am Considering Hiring? LGBTQGuest UserDecember 8, 2020Surrogacy, agency, surrogate, intended parent, questions, family, grow, baby, pregnancy, kids, child, children, gestational carrier, gestational surrogate
I do not believe in abortion, can I still be a surrogate? Ask an expert!Guest UserDecember 3, 2020Surrogacy, social security number, identity, birth, baby, background check, criminal, safe, surrogate, agency
Dear SCOTUS, Please Do Not Humor Indiana’s Anti-LGBTQ+ Ways Above the lawGuest UserDecember 3, 2020Surrogacy, birth, baby, surrogate, agency, graphic design, staff, employee, team, Colorado, Texas, Montana, New England, pacific cascade, southwest
Meet Laura Alabre Surrogacy prosGuest UserDecember 2, 2020Surrogacy, birth, baby, surrogate, agency, graphic design, staff, employee, team, Colorado, Texas, Montana, New England, pacific cascade, southwest
Meet Tim Strombel Surrogacy prosGuest UserDecember 2, 2020Surrogacy, birth, baby, surrogate, agency, graphic design, staff, employee, team, Colorado, Texas, Montana, New England, pacific cascade, southwest
Why do you need my social security number to be a surrogate? Ask an expert!Guest UserDecember 1, 2020Surrogacy, social security number, identity, birth, baby, background check, criminal, safe, surrogate, agency
How Does a Surrogate Find the Right Match? SurrogatesGuest UserDecember 1, 2020Surrogacy, surrogate, partner, spouse, husband, children, baby, family, pregnant, birth, grow, michigan, law, court, legal, attorney, judge, lawyer
Do your surrogate's use their own eggs? Ask an expert!Guest UserNovember 26, 2020Surrogacy, surrogate, intended parents, agency, birth, family, grow, baby, labor, choice, matching
‘Mother’ Or ‘Parent’: What’s In A Name? Above the lawGuest UserNovember 25, 2020Surrogacy, mom, name, parents, dad, father, mother, parent, adoption, baby, family, birth, grow, kid, child, children
Do we meet our surrogates partner or spouse? Ask an expert!Guest UserNovember 24, 2020Surrogacy, surrogate, intended parents, agency, birth, family, grow, baby, labor, choice, matching